This was the wedding of one of my dear friends,Amira,who asked me to help out with her guestbook.
Reception was held in Dewan Merak Kayangan,Jalan Semarak,Kuala Lumpur on 11th October 2009. Wedding outfit and makeup was from the same bridal service as mine, JEZ Wedding.
I was so overwhelmed with joy watching her on the dais,with her beautiful coral themed dress and getting blessed from her parents and the other elders.
She really did nail the Coral theme colour.It was magnificent!
Congratulations Mira and Man,we pray for a lifetime of joy and happiness in your marriage,Insya Allah.
Feast your eyes people. And by the way, the photographer service has their own style too, checkout more at The Photolicious:

Picture 1st is courtesy of The Photolicious, and 2nd is by hubby.

comel la guest book tu. :)
i love photolicous too :D
yeah i pon suke guest book tu jugak. =)
sangat cantik ..i love that guestbook ..!!!
tq ladies :)
wish i found ur blog earlier.i x sempat buat guestbook:(
guessbook yg sgt cun ;)
great idea! good job awak.
cnthekla awak...guess book i simple mak pel...hahaha
gerberra are + polkadots are soo cute!
yuni nak~ hahaha =P
wedding awak pakai khidmat jez wedding kat wangsa maju ker?memuaskan tak butik tu?i nak book for my wed next year.just asking..hehe..esok nak g butik tu lg..alamak..lg 2 bulan ++ ..i tak prepare bnyk nikah pun tak jahit sgt..arghhhhhhh...help2..
hi cik nyummyme.cant seem to login to your blog.hope you read my reply here..
jez wedding in a scale of 10 saya rate dalam 7.kira untuk majlis puashati jugak..especially majlis kalau awak buat majlis tengahari macam kebiasaanya,definitely recommended.
untuk baju..yes,dia boleh custom made untuk client.saya puashati dgn baju saya,and kawan saya yang coral ni recommended jugak.
cuma untuk hiasan pelamin dan bunga tangan,mungkin awak boleh explore lagi..dia pun provide jugak tapi a bit limited sebab mostly dia guna artificial flowers.kalau ada budget lebih and awak suka style dia,boleh runding kot.tapi saya suggest awak explore other options too ;)
hope this helps.
hehe..thanks yunayuni..i da book da..since very bz dgn keje..lagipon, tunang jauh..i suke baju die..n pelamin, no worry since i yg design sendiri sbb pelamin die nampak limited sket..i like modern english..hopefully ok la kan?
once again, tqvm eh..appreciate sgt..
my blog mmg tak bleh view..its only for us..hehe..sorry..18sx bnyk sgt..kehkehkeh..
beb..i think ur fren coral wedding ni loook soooo sgtttt cantik..sgt suka tgk dia nye make up baju cara pakai tudung and sume2 laa sgt match..dan dia sgt tersenyum lawa okeh..mcm lawa giler okeh...heheh..okey tuh mcm dah suke giler tuh..ehheh
OMG I love the guestbook cards!
Love Love Love :)
br aku smpat nk tgk blog ko.
thnk u sooo much girl! love ur creative work! aku still simpan kad2 tu.x buh lg dlm album.huhu bunge smua2 still in their place. syg~ :D
again, thnk u so much to u n emri :)
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