
Thursday, July 30, 2009

I ♥ presents

My aunty Cik Yani dropped by our house yesterday and i was least expecting that i will be receiving a belated wedding present. She is from KL and was on a business trip to Kuantan. Too bad she could not stay long.

Anyway here is the gift. And to my utter excitement,she really reads my mind.

♥ ♥ ♥ love

GRILLA Grilling Pan and also a pair of KONCIS tongs from IKEA, which is what i have been longing for (in my effort of cooking healthy,which is still not really a huge success ;P)

Thank you Cik Yani and family, i am so grilling this weekend :)


anil lutaze said...

apekah itu sbnrnye..maaflah...saya ni kkdg x brp laju sgt...hik

Ayuni A. said...

anil: hihi takpe..tu grilling pan tu..boleh guna atas dapur.permukaan dia ada garis2 timbul cam tu.selalunya kalau guna ni bila masik, daging tu akan berbelang2.tak yah guna minyak byk sgt sebab dia non-stick.and oso healthier alternative dpd goreng deep fry.cewah :P

anil lutaze said...

ouhhh...dah phm....

hahahaha..sgt sedey saya ini...

saya sudah tahu apakah itu...bile baca balik nama tjuk benda tu...adoi lah saya ni

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