Many brides have chosen to go DIY these days,and i am happy to be in the same boat.For my own wedding, i did go diy on my own hantaran,and i am very happy with the accomplishment. Hantarans always lasts 1-2 days after nikah,and that makes me feel very "sayang" to let it go.So,brides,that is the point of having a good, no, GREAT photographer to capture your wedding details.
I chose Red,Silver and White theme for my hantaran.I did not plan to have fresh flowers,because of time and budget constraints.So,i bought artificial roses from a local wedding craft store and some other items from SSF.I took my own time doing it,going bit by bit,every weekend.Roughly it was around 2-3 months prior to the wedding.
All of these are made by me,except for the Sirih Junjung by JEZ Wedding.Thank God it blended in with the theme too.
Just my 2 cents : If you are going DIY,please try not to procrastinate until the "injury time".The last thing a bride wants is to worry about things that can be done ahead of time ;)
(some aunty went weird about not having a shiny black leather shoes,but we chose to go practical,heheh.)